Trial reports and weekly TV updates

SENSE News Agency was created in 1998 with the aim of covering the work of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY), as well as all Western Balkans-related cases at the International Court of Justice (ICJ). SENSE Agency was the only media organization that regularly covered all war crimes trials at The Hague on a daily basis.
Over 20 years SENSE Agency has published more than ten thousand trial reports on victims’ and witness’ testimonies, forensic and other evidence, guilty pleas and judgments. SENSE reports and analyses were distributed to the media in the region and posted to the SENSE web site both in BCS languages (Bosnian-Croatian-Serbian) and in English.
In addition to daily written reports and analysis, in March 2000 SENSE began production of weekly TV updates from the ICTY courtrooms, titled TV Tribunal. SENSE TV programs were regularly broadcast by the main networks and numerous local TV stations in the region, as well as on the SENSE website. Up until spring 2017, when the last program was broadcast, SENSE produced 722 TV updates (about 360 hours of television programs), not missing a single working week of the ICTY.
SENSE reporting from the ICTY was widely praised and recognized not only by stakeholders in the region like victims’ organizations, the media, legal professionals, leading human rights activists and NGOs, but also by ICTY judges, prosecutors and lawyers, as well as by international criminal law professionals. SENSE’s daily reports and analysis became a point of reference for international justice and human rights observers, journalists, lawyers, and academics. SENSE reports in English have been distributed either directly via the SENSE-website or indirectly through the JustWatch list, The International Criminal Law Bureau, and other international justice forums and online discussion lists reaching a wide global audience for what have been praised as highly professional, well balanced, revealing and extremely important for confronting the past, promoting human rights and contributing the reconciliation process in the former Yugoslavia.