The participants of the Summer camp for the young people working with the young to advance the culture of remembrance and dealing with the past learned about the work of SENSE news agency and documentation center
American artists painted onto illustrations of ethnic constumes infecting them with visual references to violence. ''This project is my response to the materials I have been studying in the archives of SENSE“, explained Rajkamal Kahlon
With a series of activities – exhibitions, presentations, an international conference, a seminar and a study trip carried out throughout 2016, 2017 and 2018 - the project “Targeting History and Memory”, supported by EU Program Europe for Citizens has been successfully completed. The project is based on an interactive narrative with the same name and has engaged five civic organizations from Croatia (Documenta, SENSE Center) Serbia (Humanitarian Law Center), Bosnia and Herzegovina (History Museum of BH) and The Netherlands (Europa Nostra)
SENSE Center in Pula organized a workshop for journalists from the region instructing them about the methods of research and sharing its experience in gathering facts established in Tribunal's proceedings
Narrative „Targeting history and memory – ICTY and the destruction of cultural and religious heritage“ was presented to the public, followed by a discussion, at the Music pavilion Staklenac in Banja Luka. It was organized by SENSE – TJC from Pula and Banja Luka's civil society organisations Impulsportal and ALK. The panel of speakers included Sead Pašić, Frano Piplović, Srđan Šušnica, Slobodan Rašić Bobara, Dražen Crnomat and Mirko Klarin. Following text is an extract from the article written by Srđan Šušnica for
To mark the anniversary of the massacre in which the villagers of Ahmići in the Central Bosnia were killed in April 1993, SENSE center and the History Museum of B-H have organized exhibitions featuring the photographs taken at the crime scene by the British military photographer Giles Penfound
The exhibition displaying the destruction of cultural heritage in the former Yugoslavia opens in The City Hall. It is ''an excellent example of how the legacy of the ICTY must and will remain relevant and impactful well beyond the closure of the Tribunal”, said Judge Carmel Agius
Within the goodwill mission of Croatian and Serbian human rights activists, who paid respect to the victims of the wars in Mostar and Ahmići, SENSE Transitional Justice Center presented its interactive narrative about the destruction of cultural, historical and religious monuments during the wars in former Yugoslavia.