The Bosnian War Crimes Atlas 92-95 was presented at the SENSE – Transitional Justice Center in Pula. The Atlas exhibits detailed information about some 100.000 victims of the war in Bosna-Herzegovina and the circumstances in which they perished
Judge Carmel Agius, President International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals - Remarks delivered for opening of exhibition “48 Hours of Ashes and Blood” SENSE Transitional Justice Center, Pula, Croatia, 26 April 2019
The President of the International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals Carmel Agius and the former president of Croatia Stjepan Mesić opened the exhibition and presentation of the Ahmići interactive narrative at the SENSE center in Pula. The narrative entitled ''Ahmići: 48 Hours of Ashes and Blood“ was produced by the SENSE centar and the exhibited photographs were taken by Giles Penfound, a photographer with the British Battalion, in the days following the attack on Ahmići in April 1993
Marking the anniversary of the crime in the Lasva Valley, SENSE – Transitional justice center published its fifth interactive narrative called ''48 hours of ashes and blood“
Interactive narrative “Ahmići: 48 hours of ashes and blood” will be accessible at the new web site of SENSE Center for Transitional Justice from 16 April 2019.