Opening ceremony for the SENSE documentation center for transitional justice was held in Pula in the presence of Serge Brammertz, the Chief Prosecutor of the ICTY and the war crimes prosecutors from Croatia, B-H and Serbia, representatives of the City of Pula and numerous guests from the region and the world.
The most recent interactive narrative produced by SENSE – Transitional justice center was presented to the public in Prishtina. It explains how the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia investigated, reconstructed and prosecuted the crimes committed in Kosovo in 1998 and 1999.
PJudge Carmel Agius, president of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia, opened the exhibition Targeting Monuments -Targeting History and Memory in the History Museum in Sarajevo. The exhibition deals with the destruction of cultural heritage in the wars in BH, Croatia and Kosovo
After Zagreb, Targeting Monuments, the exhibition chronicling the destruction of historical, cultural and religious heritage, has arrived in Belgrade
Zagreb is the first city to host the exhibition on the destruction of historical, cultural and religious monuments in the wars in the former Yugoslavia. The exhibition, based on the interactive narrative, Targeting History and Memory, will later be shown in other cities
After Sarajevo, Zagreb, Belgrade and Podgorica, the interactive narrative Targeting History and Memory was presented last week in Kosovo in two events, in Priština and in the Visoki Dečani monastery
The latest interactive narrative produced by the SENSE Center for Transitional Justice premiered last week in Belgrade, in association with the Humanitarian Law Center, and in Podgorica, in association with the Civic Education Center. The narrative deals with the destruction of cultural heritage in the wars in Croatia, Bosnia Herzegovina and Kosovo
The interactive narrative Targeting History and Memory was presented last week in the Historical Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina in Sarajevo and the Mimara Museum in Zagreb. The narrative was produced by SENSE-Centre for Transitional Justice.
The latest interactive narrative produced by SENSE is presented in the Medija Centar in Belgrade, Europa cinema in Zagreb and the Museum of History of Bosnia and Herzegovina in Sarajevo
In addition to the full audio visual presentations produced for the SENSE Documentation Centre in Potočari, the interactive narrative contains a selection of court exhibits, including some 250 key documents, video recordings and photographs introduced into evidence on different 'Srebrenica trials'