The new SENSE Center's interactive narrative Last Tango in The Hague-A contribution to the chronology of the breakup of Yugoslavia is composed of excerpts from the trial of Slobodan Milošević related to the events before and after the Yugoslavian federation fell apart.  Milosevic's self-representation in the proceedings before the ICTY allowed him to directly address the witnesses who were called to testify. In this narrative, close encounters between the accused and some witnesses are shown.

SENSE - Center for Transitional Justice started a PDF edition titled The Hague Notebooks, which provides a clear and concise insight into the entire legal process of ICTY cases through chronologically arranged SENSE reports - from the pre-trial phase, through the presentation of evidence, to verdicts.

The webinars for history teachers held in December 2023, organized by the SENSE Center for Transitional Justice and the Croatian Association of History Teachers (HUNP), brought together history teachers from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Croatia, Montenegro, and North Macedonia to exchange experiences on the SENSE Center production as a supplement to the "Handbook for History Educators" (Handbook) of the Mechanism for International Criminal Tribunals (MICT) Information Program.

The SENSE Center continues to expand its collection of interviews with key actors in the creation and development of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY).

The former chief of the State Security of Serbia Jovica Stanišić and his senior intelligence officer Franko Simatović were found guilty of participating in a joint criminal enterprise to forcibly and permanently remove the non-Serb population from parts of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Croatia in 1992 - 1995, and were sentenced to 15 years in prison each.

SENSE - Center for Transitional Justice in collaboration with the Croatian History Teachers' Association (HUNP) held a fourth webinar in the "De-weaponizing History" series in which teachers from the countries of the region shared their experiences and teaching methods on the topics of children affected by war and the destruction of cultural heritage.

SENSE Center for Transitional Justice is launching a seven-day internet campaign in cooperation with twenty civil society organizations from Serbia, Montenegro, Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina to mark the thirtieth anniversary of the crimes committed in Ahmići

SENSE - Center for Transitional Justice was visited by a group of employees in the German public sector as part of their five-day educational trip to Istria/Croatia organized by the German Institute for Adult Education with the aim to enable them to learn about the political and economic situation in the country.

Our colleague and friend Mirko Klarin, founder and spritius movens of SENSE - Transitional Justice Center and SENSE News Agency, died in Brussels at the age of 79.

As part of its cooperation with human rights organizations in Istria and the region of former Yugosalvia, SENSE Center hosted a workshop organized by Pula-based association HOMO within the project called "Between Gender and Homeland".